Children playing soccer in front of the National Museum in Phnom Penh Photos of victims of the Pol Pot regime in the Tuol Sleng Museum Main means of transport in Cambodia: motorcycles with trailers Angkor: South Gate to Angkor Thom Angkor: relief at the Terrace of the Leper King
Angkor Wat, eighth wonder of the world Angkor: monks in the Bayon Angkor: the Roluos Group Angkor: relief at Banteay Srei Angkor: Ta Prohm, the temple left to the jungle
Tuol Sleng museum in Phnom Penh Angkor: Angkor Wat Angkor: the Bayon Angkor: Banteay Srei Angkor: Banteay Srei
Angkor: Eastern Mebon Angkor: children in the Eastern Mebon Angkor: relief at the Terrace of the Leper King Angkor: Ta Prohm Angkor: Ta Prohm